



A.  Definition.

            1. A shield was a piece of defensive armor carried on the arm or hand in the ancient world used to protect the soldier from swords, spears, arrows, darts, and daggers.

            2. Shields were made of many materials.

            3. The shield is a sign of the professional soldier in the Word of God, 2 Chron 14:8, 26:13-14.

            4. The shield was used for lack of military preparation, Jud 5:8.


B.  The word “shield” was used for divine deliverance, 2 Sam 22:3, 35-36. Jesus Christ has the strength to deliver. He protects us from Satan’s attacks.


C.  The shield is used for military disaster, 2 Sam 1:21. A shield not anointed with oil was a sign of defeat.


D.  The shield was used to memorialize freedom through military victory,    1 Kg 10:16-17.

E.  The shield portrays divine protection against military invasion, Gen 15:1; Deut 33:38-39; Ps 3:1-3, 28:7, 35:1-2; 115:9-11.


F.  The shield was used to indicate military aggression, 2 Kg 19:32; Isa 22:6; Ezek 23:24.


G.  The shield represents doctrine resident in the soul, Ps 91:4.


H.  The shield represents the faith-rest drill, Eph 6:16.



© 1991 by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
